SoldFor sale is a beautiful 2006 R44 Raven 2. This helicopter is a first run with no damage history. Air conditioning is installed! Private use helicopter, never used for commercial operations.
1897.1 total time since new on both engine and air frame
302.9 hours remaining or until November 2030
Included in the sale:
- Air conditioning
- Bladder tanks
- New main rotor blades as of November 2018
- New tail rotor blades as of March 2023
- Custom interior to include seats, headliner, and carpet
- Bubble windows installed
- Bose interface on all 4 seats
- 9 hole panel installed
- Directional gyro
- Garmin 430
- Garmin GPS500 on pilot side bar
- King 196A radio
- GI106A indictor
- GTX 335 with ADS-B out
- NAT audio controller
- Tanis heater is installed
- Dual controls included
- Ground wheels included
- Jet shades included
- Bubble cover included
Last 100 hour completed 10/2023 at 1815.4 TTSN
Last compressions were: 73,79,78,76,78,79
SB388 completed at 1815.4
New mags installed at 1762.4
Helicopter is located in Texas and is ready to be sold today!
Call or text Jimmy at 865-719-6478