SoldFor sale is a 2006 R44 Raven 2 that was last overhauled by Sevier County Choppers on June 2019. Please note that this helicopter was on a Part 135 Certificate and has a radar altimeter installed.
4205.3 aircraft total time
2005.1 time since overhaul
195 hours remaining or until June 2031
Included in the sale:
- AC
- Radar altimeter
- Bladder tanks
- Dual controls
- Leather seats
- Bubble windows x 4
- NAT audio controller
- Garmin 420 GPS
- ADS-B out installed
- Fresh annual on 2/19/2024
Engine compressions : 78,72,78,80,78,76
Helicopter is located in Sevierville, TN
Digital copies of the logbooks are available upon request via DropBox
Call or text Jimmy at 865-719-6478